WordPress.com: Our Labor of Love — 2012 in Review

WordPress.com News

For us, WordPress.com is our labor of love — we’re continually releasing new themes, upgrades, and features to help you create the best website and/or blog you can. In addition to great tools, we publish articles, prompts, and writing and photo challenges to inspire you to start posting and keep posting. While we’re never, ever done making WordPress.com better, we wanted to look back at some of the goodies we brought you in 2012.

We’ve got the look: 65+ new themes in 2012

We released themes at a rate of more than one a week in 2012. These beautiful themes look great no matter which device your visitors use to see your content. What’s more, if you’re a musician, restaurateur, bride-or-groom-to-be, or a civil servant looking for a simple way to share information with your audience, we’ve got you covered.

Custom Design puts you in…

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Saya sangat bersukur kepada Allah swt walaupun dilahirkan dari keluarga yang sederhana namun tidak pernah haus akan kasih sayang, itulah yang saya rasakan. Anak sulung dari tiga bersaudara merupakan hal yang sangat berat karena harus menjadi panutan dari kedua adikku. Continue reading